Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Insomnia for the Exhausted

There's a time in every one's life where they are forgotten about by the sandman and sleepless nights are far too available.  Normally, this happens to me in the beginning of summer- here it is upon us, and here I am awake.  Typically, I end up tossing and turning, watching one bad sitcom after another hoping that the loop of audience laughter will help me sleep before the dreaded infomericals come on. 
In the situations that I'm still awake, I'm offering some late night tips to help you rest easy!
What is the cause, if any obvious one for you to be awake?  Are you under more stress at work?  Have you bitten off more than you can chew, and are just cramming things onto your plate?  The clear answer here would be, to settle down- take life into perspective.  If you are a writer, a list maker, a thinker, or a drawer, use your creative and artistic side and get it out.  Keep a journal or notebook beside your bed, and log your thoughts, feelings, or general concerns when you are feeling restless.
If it just seems like everything in your life is the same as it always is, try changing your schedule a bit.  Wake up a little earlier- I know how tempting hitting that snooze button is, but just try it for a week- get up a half hour earlier, see if you can't sleep easier at night.  Attempt to exercise more, whether it be to take a walk during your lunch break, do some yoga poses before bed, or do sit ups in between commercials of your favorite tv show- moving your body will do wonders for your mind as well as wear you out!
Speaking of commercials... shut down all technology tools- your phone, laptop, computer, and tv at least a half hour before you'd like to be asleep.  Try reading before bed, working on a craft, or making your lunch for the next day!  Taking these life lines away can be a real savior to the mind, and help to relax you!
If none of these tips work, there's always my favorite old go-to.  If you know me well, then you know I have some very peculiar bedtime habits, beliefs and rituals.  The most important being, never eat anything after you brush your teeth... and my one exception- unless it's cereal and you really, really, really can't sleep!  I love a good bowl of cheerios, special k, or corn flakes before bed... (I'll touch on why I don't eat sugared or colored cereal in another blog), and for some reason it's the only food I can justify eating before bed without feeling guilty of having not brushed my teeth! 
Hopefully, after reading this, you are ready to try a new ritual, or make a change to help you catch those zzzz's and ditch counting sheep! 

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