Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Supper Time Time Savers!

A great deal of my clients are (obviously) strapped for time, and coming home, trying to create something "different" for dinner is more than they have the energy for.   This blog highlights a few tips and favorite things that make making dinner less of a hassle and more of a pleasure!

1. Breakfast for dinner!  When I was a kid, this was a real classic! Scrambled eggs, toast, and either sausage or bacon.  Won't take more that 20 minutes from start to finish, and will leave you feeling more than satisfied!

2.  Anything in the crock pot!  I got a crock pot for my birthday in September, and I can't tell you how many times it's saved my life!  From making soups, to sauces, for full dinners- this is my go-to favorite appliance!  I love few things more than coming home to a savory smelling home, and dinner ready to dish out!

3.  Don't forget about your grill- this is also a great go-to tool- the only problem with mine, is it's a community appliance and a bit of a trek through the parking lot to get to!  Grills are essential because the flavor is so intense, while clean up is minimal at best!  I love to marinate chicken, or steak in italian dressing, along with a bit of  hot sauce and some other secret ingredients all day long to really intensify the taste!  Another great tip- stab meat with a fork in several different places to let the marinade "sink" in! Wrap veggies up with some seasoning and oil in a foil packet and place it right on the grill!  Veggies still have that crisp bite, and keep their flavor, while not tasting too "charcoal-y." 

4.  Avoid calling for delivery!  Pillsbury makes a great pizza dough- you just roll it out and bake it with your favorite toppings for about 15 minutes- fresh, simple, and cheaper than delivery!

Dinner doesn't always need to be extravagant, expensive, or complicated and time consuming... but it should be healthy and delicous!

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